Publications & Presentations
11. Thomas, C., Shriver, R., Nippgen, F., Hepler, M., Ross, M., Mines to Forests? Analyzing long-term recovery trends for surface coal mines in Central Appalachia (2022), Restoration Ecology,
10. Fitch, K.*, Nippgen, F., Albeke, S., Paige, G., Where the Wild Beavers Are: Climate and Landscape Controls on Beaver Pond Area in Snow-Dominated Rangeland Headwaters (2022), Ecohydrology,
09. Ross, M., Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B., Thomas, C., Crooks, A., Shriver, R., Moore, E., Bernhardt, E., Mountaintop mining legacies constrain ecological, hydrological and biogeochemical recovery trajectories (2021), Environmental Research Letters , DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ac09ac
08. Acharya, B.*, Sharma, V., Heitholt, J., Tekiela, D., Nippgen, F. (2020), Quantification and Mapping of Satellite Driven Surface Energy Balance Fluxes in Semi-arid to Arid Inter-Mountain Region, remote sensing, 2020, 12(24), 4019,
07. Brooks, A.*, Ross, M.R.V., Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Bernhardt, E.S. (2019), "Excess nitrate export in mountaintop removal coal mining watersheds", Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,
06. Singh, N.K., Emanuel, R.E., Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Miniat, C. Ford (2018), The relative influence of storm and landscape characteristics on shallow groundwater responses in forested headwater catchments, Water Resources Research,
05. Ross, M.R.V., Nippgen, F., Hassett, B. McGlynn, B.L. Bernhardt, E.S., Surface mining for coal creates landscapes with exceptionally high weathering rate (2018), Global Biogeochemical Cycles,
04. Nippgen, F., M.R. Ross, B.L. McGlynn, E.S. Bernhardt (2017), Creating a more perennial problem? Mountaintop removal mining enhances and sustains saline baseflows of Appalachian watersheds, Environmental Science & Technology, doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b02288.
03. Nippgen, F., B. L. McGlynn, R. E. Emanuel, and J. M. Vose (2016), Watershed memory at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory: The effect of past precipitation and storage on hydrologic response, Water Resources Research, 52, doi:10.1002/2015WR018196.
02. Nippgen, F., B. L. McGlynn, and R. E. Emanuel (2015), The spatial and temporal evolution of contributing areas, Water Resources Research, 51, doi:10.1002/2014WR016719.
01. Nippgen, F., B.L. McGlynn, L.A. Marshall, R.E. Emanuel (2011), Landscape structure and climate influences on hydrologic response, Water Resources Research., 47, W12528, doi:10.1029/2011WR011161.
*WRR Featured Article *Research spotlight, Eos, Vol. 93, No. 8, 21 February 2012
ORAL PRESENTATIONS *denotes student presentation
42. Nippgen, F., Paige, G., Simplifying the Complex: Indicators to Characterize Socio-hydrologic Systems, UCOWR Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, CO, June 2022 [Invited]
41. Jarhan, S.*, Nippgen, F., Paige, G., Poor Performance or Indication of Water Losses? Insights into Watershed Structure and Water Losses from Hydrologic Model Simulation across Spatial Scales, UCOWR Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, CO, June 2022
40. Nippgen, F., Data in Hydrology – More than just Streamflow, UW Data Science Meetup, April 2023
39. Nippgen, F., UAV in Precision Agriculture, 2022 Wyoming Farm Bureau Meeting, Casper, WY, November 2022 [Invited]
38. Nippgen, F., UAV Applications in Hydrology and Agriculture, Ranch Management and Ag Leadership Technical Session, Laramie Research and Extension Center, April 2022 [Invited]
37. McGlynn, B., Nippgen, F., Jencso, K., Measuring and Visualizing Hydrologic Connectivity Between Landscapes and Streams, University of Otago, Geology Seminar, New Zealand, March 2022
36. Nippgen, F., Ross, M.R.V., Bernhardt, E.S., McGlynn, B.L., Moore, E., Massive critical zone manipulation: What we can learn about watershed storage and streamflow response from events to years, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, New Orleans and virtual, December 2021 [Invited]
35. Nippgen, F., UAS in Research and Teaching, NASA National Council of Space Grant Directors, Fall Meeting, October 2021, Jackson, WY [Invited]
34. Nippgen, F., Fitch, K., Albeke, S., Paige, G., Where the wild beavers are: Effects of physical watershed characteristics on beaver pond distributions, UCOWR Annual Meeting 2021, Virtual, June 2021
33. Green-Smith, C.*, Nippgen, F., Albeke, S.E., “Light the Flow with Sense and Color”: Exploring Mountain Hydrology with RGB and Thermal Imagery, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Virtual, December 2020
32. Stromberg, V.*, Paige, G. B., Nippgen, F., Ewers, B. E., Murphy, M., Beddingfield, T., Fox, A., The Impact of Riparian Vegetation on Spatial and Temporal Hyporheic Zone Fluctuations, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Virtual, December 2020, eLightning talk
31. Green-Smith, C.*, Nippgen, F., Albeke, S.E., Taking a Watershed’s Temperature: Tracking snowmelt and runoff source areas through space and time with thermal imagery, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, December 2019
30. Nippgen, F., Ross, M.R.V., Stoy, P., Improving the Predictability of Actual Evapotranspiration across Different Climates and Land Uses, University Council of Water Resources (UCOWR) Annual Conference, Snowbird, Utah, June 2019
29. Nippgen, F., Ross, M.R.V., Bernhardt, E.S., McGlynn, B.L., Deconstructing the deconstruction of Appalachia: Mountaintop mining effects on hydrology across temporal and spatial scales, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, December 2017
28. Ross M.R.V., Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Bernhardt, E.S., Yesterday’s forest, tomorrow’s savannah? Legacies in the man-made mountains of Appalachia, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, December 2017
27. Ross M.R.V., Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Bernhardt, E.S., Disturb 1% of the land, generate 50% of the regional ion flux. Society for Freshwater Science, Raleigh, June 2017.
26. Nippgen, F., Ross, M.R.V., Bernhardt, E.S., McGlynn, B.L., Short and long-term effects of a large-scale critical zone disturbance on hydrologic response, UCOWR, Fort Collins, June 2017
*UCOWR Early Career Researcher Fellowship
25. Ross M.R.V., Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Bernhardt, E.S., Tracing disturbance impacts on water quantity and quality through a stream network. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, April 2017
24. Brooks, A.C., Ross, M.R.V., Nippgen, F., Bernhardt, E.S., McGlynn, B.L., Old Mountains, New Nutrients: Mountaintop Mining’s Impact on Watershed Scale Nitrogen Export, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2016
23. Nippgen F., Ross, M.R.V., Bernhardt, E.S., McGlynn, B.L., Mountaintop Removal Mining: From Ephemeral to Perennial Streams, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2016
22. Ross, M.R.V., Nippgen, F., Hassett, B., McGlynn, B.L., Bernhardt, E.S., Melting mountains of Appalachia: exceptionally high weathering rates in mined watersheds, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2016
21. Ross M.R.V., Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Bernhardt, E.S., Contaminants in time and space: Moun- taintop mining impacts on stream hydrology, biogeochemistry and macroinvertebrates. Society for Fresh- water Sciences, Sacramento, May 2016
20. Jencso K., McGlynn B.L., Nippgen, F., One hillslope does not a watershed make: Analysis of shallow subsurface flow thresholds across 30 hillslopes for six years. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, April 2016 [Invited]
19. Ross M.R.V., Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Bernhardt, E.S., Geomorphic signals of the Anthropocene: Mountaintop Mining impacts on the morphology of Central Appalachia. American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, March/April 2016.
18. Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Marshall, L.A., Emanuel, R.E., Bernhardt, E.S. Ross, M.R.V., Vose, J.M., Watershed Hydrology in Natural and Designed Environments, University of Wyoming, Department of Geology, Distinguished Lecturer Series, February 2017 [Invited]
17. Nippgen, F.., M.R. Ross, B.L. McGlynn, E.S. Bernhardt, When Everything Changes: Mountaintop Mining Effects on Watershed Hydrology, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2015 [Invited]
16. Nippgen, F., B.L. McGlynn, and R.E. Emanuel: Watershed Ecohydrology: How Do Vegetation Patterns and Climate Affect Watershed Storage and Connectivity? AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2015
15. C. Kelleher, B. McGlynn, K. Jencso, Nippgen, F.: Linkages between hillslopes, riparian settings, and streamflow: a multi-year, multi-site characterization of spatio-temporal variability in Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2015
14. Ross, M.R., F. Nippgen, B.L. McGlynn, E.S. Bernhard: When everything changes: Watershed scale biogeochemical impacts of mountaintop mining, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, August 2015
13. Ross, M.R., F. Nippgen, B.L. McGlynn, E.S. Bernhard: When everything changes: Catchment scale biogeochemical impacts of mountaintop mining, Gordon Research Conference on Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry, June 2015
12. McGlynn, B.L., K.G. Jencso, F. Nippgen, C. Kelleher, R.E. Emanuel, T.J. Smith, L.A. Marshall, Moving from field observations of watershed structure, storage, and hydrologic connectivity to modeling conceptualizations. Gordon Research Conference on Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry, June 2015 [Invited]
11. McGlynn, B.L., K.G. Jencso, Nippgen, F., and R.E. Emanuel, On the role of spatial patterns of watershed storage in observed storage-discharge relationships. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract, 2014 [Invited]
10. McGlynn, B.L., K.G. Jencso, Nippgen, F., R.E. Emanuel, T.J. Smith, L.A. Marshall. Moving from field observations of watershed structure, storage, and hydrologic connectivity to new modeling conceptualizations) AGU Chapman Conference: Catchment Spatial Organization and Complex Behavior Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, Fall 2014 [Invited Plenary]
09. Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Emanuel, R.E., Vose, J.M., The effects of climate variability on the rainfall runoff response of catchments from monthly to annual timescales, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2013
08. McGlynn, B.L., Nippgen, F., K.G. Jencso, R.E. Emanuel. Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2013 [Invited]
07. McGlynn, B.L., Nippgen, F., K.G. Jencso, R.E. Emanuel, and M.N. Gooseff, Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks. Section: Public Affairs. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract, 2012 [Invited]
06. McGlynn, B.L., K. Jencso, Nippgen, F., R. Emanuel, S. Carlson, T. Smith, and L. Marshall. Moving from field observations of catchment storage and hydrologic connectivity to new modeling con- ceptualizations. International Association for Hydrologic Sciences: Completion of the IAHS decade on Prediction in Ungauged Basins and the way ahead. Delft, NL., 2012 [Invited]
05. Nippgen, F., B.L. McGlynn, L.A. Marshall, and R.E. Emanuel: Spatial and temporal similarity analysis: Linking landscape structure and climate to hydrologic response, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2012
04. McGlynn, B.L., K.J. Jencso, Nippgen, F., S. Carlson, J. Mallard, T. Covino, R. Emanuel, L. Marshall, M. Gooseff, K. Bencala, and S. Wondzell. Climate & watershed structure effects on hydrologic connectivity & stream network influences on watershed signatures. Woo Lecture. Canadian Geophysical Union, Banff, 2012. [Invited].
03. Nippgen, F., Brian L. McGlynn, Lucy A. Marshall, Ryan E. Emanuel, Landscape structure and climate influences on hydrologic response, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011
02. Nippgen, F., B.L. McGlynn, L.A. Marshall, R.E. Emanuel, What drives hydrologic response? The influence of topography and climate on Rocky Mountain catchments, Meeting of the Montana section of the American Water Resources Association, Great Falls, June 2011
*Student Presentation Award
01. Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Marshall, L.A., Emanuel, R.E., Landscape structure and climatic influence on hydrologic response, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, USFS, Brown bag seminar series, June 2011 [Invited]
POSTER PRESENTATIONS *denotes student presentation
25. Stromberg, V.*, Nippgen, F., Paige, G., Ewers, B., Murphy, M., Spatial and Temporal Hyporheic Zone Fluctuations: Impact of Riparian Vegetation, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, December 2021
24. Krueger, B., Nippgen, F., Kotthoff, L., When Students Grade Students: The Efficacy of Peer Assessment Across Three Diverse Disciplines, ECTL Teaching and Learning Symposium, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
23. Beddingfield, T.*, Paige, G., Nippgen, F., Stromberg, V., Fitch, K., Ewers, B., Murphy, M., Comparison of Willow (Salix spp.) Metrics Collected with Ground-Based Sampling Methods and a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, ArcGIS Storymap, Society for Range Management Annual Meeting 2021, Virtual
22. Fitch, K.*, Nippgen, F., Albeke, S. E., Analyzing the Development of Beaver Ponds at Seasonal and Annual Scales via UAV and Satellite Remote-Sensing, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Virtual, December 2020
21. Stromberg, V.*, Paige, G. B., Nippgen, F., Ewers, B. E., Murphy, M., Beddingfield, T., Fox, A., The Impact of Riparian Vegetation on Spatial and Temporal Hyporheic Zone Fluctuations, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Virtual, December 2020
20. Beddingfield, T.*, Nippgen, F., Stromberg, V., Paige, G. B., Fitch, K., Ewers, B. E., Murphy, M., Fox, A., Using UAV-Based Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Sampling to Characterize Riparian Vegetation and Estimate its Effect on Hyporheic Zone Hydrology, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Virtual, December 2020
19. Beddingfield, T.*, Nippgen, F., Paige, G., Ewers, B., Murphy, M., Mapping Riparian Willow (Salix spp.), Communities with GNSS, UW Undergraduate Student Research Symposium, November 2020
18 Nippgen, F., Emanuel, R. E., Jencso, K., Kaiser, K.E., Marshall, L.A., McGlynn, B.L., Payn, R.A., Riveros-Iregui, D., Seybold, E.C., Smith, T.J., Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana: A decade of research and education on coupled carbon and water cycles in snow-dominated watersheds, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, December 2019
17 Fitch, K.*, Nippgen, F., Albeke, S. E., Watershed-Scale Impacts of Beaver Impoundments on Surface Water Connectivity and Streamflow Persistence, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, December 2019
16 *Green-Smith, C., Nippgen, F., Snow to Streams: Using Thermal Infrared Imagery to Better Understand Snowmelt Dynamics and Runoff, University Council of Water Resources (UCOWR) Annual Conference, Snowbird, Utah, June 2019
*** 2nd place UCOWR Student Poster Presentation15 *Fitch, K., Nippgen, F., Albeke, S., Delineating Beaver Impoundments with High Resolution Imagery and Machine Learning, University Council of Water Resources (UCOWR) Annual Conference, Snowbird, Utah, June 2019
14 Nippgen, F., Ross, M.R., Stoy, P., How variable is the variability in annual evapotranspiration? Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C., December 2018
13 Ross, M.R., F. Nippgen, B.L. McGlynn, and E.S. Bernhard: When everything changes: Catchment scale biogeochemical impacts of mountaintop mining, June 2015, Gordon Research Conference on Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry, Andover, NH, June 2015
12 Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Emanuel, R.E., Spatial patterns of catchment water redistribution: The intersection of topography and vegetation structure, Duke Research Computing Symposium, January 2015
11 Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Emanuel, R.E., Spatial and temporal patterns of contributing areas, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2014
10 Nippgen, F., McGlynn, B.L., Emanuel, R.E., Vose, J.M., The effect of precipitation variability on rainfall-runoff response and storage in steep headwater catchments, CUAHSI Biennial Meeting, Shepherdstown, WV, July 2014
09 Nippgen, F., B.L. McGlynn, and R.E. Emanuel: Catchment storage and connectivity as mediated by topography and vegetation, US-Japan Joint Seminar on Catchment Hydrology and Forest Biogeochemistry, Honolulu, HI, March 2013
08 Nippgen, F., B.L. McGlynn, and R.E. Emanuel: The combined effect of topography and vegetation on catchment connectivity, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2012, Abstract ID: H51E-1409
07 Nippgen, F.., B.L. McGlynn, and R.E. Emanuel: The combined effect of topography and vegetation on the temporal evolution of catchment connectivity, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, April 2012, Abstract ID: EGU2012-12431
06 Emanuel, Ryan E.; Brian L. McGlynn; F. Nippgen, Competing for Water: Tension Between Biological and Physical Influences on Runoff in Vegetated Watersheds, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011, Abstract ID: B11B- 0485
05 Singh, Nitin K., Joshua S. Rice, F. Nippgen, Kelsey G. Jencso, Brian L. McGlynn; Ryan E. Emanuel, Catchment isotope ecohydrology: Unraveling the combined influences of vegetation and topography on runoff generation in forested headwater catchments, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011, Abstract ID: B31E-0361
04 Kaiser, Kendra; Brian L. McGlynn; Ryan E. Emanuel; F. Nippgen, John M. Mallard, Ecohydrology of an Outbreak: Impacts of vegetation pattern and landscape structure on mountain pine beetle disturbance, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011, Abstract ID: B33B-0455
03 Welch, Christopher M.; Paul C. Stoy; Fredrick A. Rains; Brian L. McGlynn; F. Nippgen, Kendra Kaiser, Snow Hydrology: Effects of Mountain Pine Beetle on Snowpack Characteristics, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011, Abstract ID: B33B-045
02 Kaiser, K., B. McGlynn, R. Emanuel, F. Nippgen, and J. Mallard. 2011. Ecohydrology: Disturbance and the intersection of vegetation pattern and landscape structure. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, April 2011, Abstract ID EGU2011-9612 [Student Paper Award]
01 Nippgen, F., L.A. Marshall, and B.L. McGlynn. 2009. Relating hydrologic system response functions and metrics of catchment structure. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2009, Abstract ID H33B-0864.
02 Nippgen, F., Fitch, K., Where the wild beavers are: How training a computer to detect beaver ponds could aid beaver restoration efforts, Reflections Magazine, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 2021 Research Report, University of Wyoming
01 Nippgen, F., Ecohydrology at the watershed scale, American Geophysical Union Hydrology Section Newsletter, Pages 13-15, Fall 2013.